The fourth edition of the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award was concluded and an Award Presentation Ceremony was held successfully at CIC-Zero Carbon Park on 2 Feb 2024. Over 100 honourable guests and representatives from shopping malls and shops have participated. We are truly thankful to all participating organisations for fostering a greener shopping environment in Hong Kong.
The Ceremony invited Ms Theresa WU King-yan, Assistant Director (Municipal Solid Waste Charging) of the Environmental Protection Department, the Government of the HKSAR as the Guest of Honour at the Presentation Ceremony. The Municipal Solid Waste Charging will be implemented soon in this year. Ms WU shared her insights on how the retail industry can prepare for this upcoming policy.
To promote best practice sharing among industry practitioners, Mr Maurice KONG, Director of the Institute of Dining Professionals, and Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC facilitated two insightful sharing sessions with representatives from the winning shopping malls and shops. The sessions covered discussion on the operation of green dining, the environmental measures in green malls and the meaningful green collaborations between the mall and its tenant.
Congratulations once again to all winners! In the coming year, The Alliance welcome more shopping malls and shops to join the HKGSA. We also hope that the Alliance Members will continue to spare no effort in adopting green practices into daily operations and work towards a green shopping environment in Hong Kong.
All awardees of the HKGSA Award 2023 are listed as below:
Collaborative Project of the Year (Behavioural Change)
Award |
Organisation |
Project |
Collaborative Project of the Year (Behavioural Change) |
Merit |
Merit |
Finalist |
Reducing the Usage/ Provision of Umbrella Plastic Bag |
Finalist |
Lee Garden One and Hysan Place, Hong Kong Productivity Council |
Food TranSmarter |
Award |
Organisation |
Project |
Collaborative Project of the Year (Circular Economy) |
Merit |
Circularity Project - Fruit Basket Upcycling |
Merit |
Recycling of un-used ice cubes from restaurant for boosting cooling tower’s efficiency |
Finalist |
水資源管理 - 雨水灌溉系統 (Chinese only) |
Finalist |
Circular Economy Measure |
Award |
Mall |
Green Mall of the Year |
Green Mall of the Year |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Finalist |
Award |
Shop |
Green Shop of the Year |
Green Shop of the Year |
Certificate of Excellence |
Certificate of Excellence |
Merit |
Merit |
Finalist |
Mall/Shop |
Mall |
Blossom Garden Shopping Arcade |
Strategic Partner |
Chain Store |
Shop |