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Green Mall and Office in one Building? – from Design to Operation

Completed in late 2018, PORT 33 is a 26-storey Grade A office building and mall located in East Kowloon San Po Kong. Green Building elements have been incorporated in its design and operation, and it is certified by The Hong Kong Green Building Council with BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 1.1 Final Gold rating and BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Version 2.0 Selective Scheme Excellent Rating on Management Aspect. Apart from the achievement on green building, PORT 33 continues on acquiring more energy saving certifications in order to promote green management for shop and office tenants.

The building itself has incorporated several energy saving features. For example, the “Solaris” solar spot lights on the rooftop garden provide natural lighting to interior through the light well and thus reduce the use of electric lightings. Moreover, light sensors are installed along the rear staircases which further reduces energy consumption. Its management team also conducts retro-commissioning for the central air-conditioning system to further reduce energy consumption. Meanwhile, the installation of Power Quality Management System helps the management of electricity consumption. In November 2020, PORT 33 successfully obtained the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) certification which fully demonstrates the energy saving achievement of the team.

The building is extensively covered with green walls, for example, at the entrance and the top of light well. Rainwater harvesting system is installed to collect rainwater for irrigation of greening areas and thus reduces water consumption.

For daily office operation, the staff also practises green office measures, for example, bringing own water bottle and reusing paper usage. One of the tenants in PORT 33 mainly supply vegetarian food and organic products, which enhances the green atmosphere of the shopping environment as well.

Overall speaking, as a member of the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance, PORT 33 will substantially invest resources to practise and promote green concept in operation. By making use of the building’s design and facilities, together with the leasing strategy and management activities, PORT 33 gradually achieves its environmental goal.


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