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CulinArt 1862 x Farmacy HK – Redefining Sustainable Dining Through Innovation

[CulinArt 1862 x Farmacy HK was awarded “Collaborative Project of the Year (Behavioural Change) – Merit” in the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023]

CulinArt 1862, a restaurant located in Causeway Bay, represents the fusion of culinary art with elements of sustainability, environmental protection, and the reduction of food waste. Recently, CulinArt 1862 introduced a significant project “Smart Mobile Farm” in partnership with Farmacy HK.

Bringing the Farm-to-Table Concept to Life

The restaurant promotes a “farm-to-table” concept, encouraging the use of local ingredients and prioritising direct sourcing from producers. The Smart Mobile Farm is a revolutionary initiative that brings farm produce directly into the community. By supplying customers directly from the farm, 100% freshness is guaranteed. Furthermore, this smart farm optimises energy usage and reduces food waste, with an estimated annual carbon emission reduction of 2.02 tons, further contributing to environmental sustainability.

ESG Education via the Smart Mobile Farm

CulinArt 1862 utilises the Smart Mobile Farm to provide ESG education. It allows culinary students to participate in planting activities, share agricultural products, and engage in collaborative exchanges, thus fostering cohesion and a sense of belonging. The restaurant also organises ESG-themed events and dinners for diners and students. By showcasing relevant dishes, CulinArt 1862 also promotes ESG to the public, raising awareness of the importance of sustainable practices. It provides tangible guidance to customers and empowers students to unleash their creativity using fresh agricultural produce.

Due to specific agricultural product requirements, CulinArt 1862 engages in professional exchanges with Farmacy HK to design and develop new functionalities for the Smart Mobile Farm system. For instance, Farmacy HK designs the planting trays of the smart farm to accommodate a variety of plants, ensuring the supply of ultra-fresh produce that overcomes seasonal limitations. The Smart Mobile Farm also functions as a showcase for commercial and industrial customers, demonstrating how to integrate sustainable ESG education. By practicing a farm-to-table approach through its Smart Mobile Farm, CulinArt 1862 is truly redefining sustainable dining.

CulinArt 1862 is a premium restaurant created through a collaboration between Towngas and Chef Stanley Wong. It is located at the Towngas flagship store in Causeway Bay.





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