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Link Asset Management Limited x EcoBricks – Transforming Waste into Safe Pathways

[Link Asset Management Limited x EcoBricks was awarded “Collaborative Project of the Year (Circular Economy) – Merit” in the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023]

Link Asset Management Limited (“Link”) strives to constantly enhance the quality of its assets while responding to higher sustainability standards. In view of the deteriorating outdoor paving blocks at its TKO Gateway shopping mall, Link embarked on a transformative repaving project with a strong commitment to sustainability.

Upcycling Plastic Fruit Baskets

As the operator of many local fresh markets, Link was keenly aware of the plastic fruit baskets used by its tenants. Commonly used for delicate fruit transportation, these fruit baskets lack an established supply chain for their reuse, meaning they are frequently discarded after just one or two uses. Given its extensive fresh market portfolio in Hong Kong, Link knew that this large-scale problem demanded immediate attention. To effectively manage this significant volume of waste and minimise its environmental impact, Link proactively sought sustainable solutions. In partnership with EcoBricks, it unlocked the hidden value of its discarded plastic waste, including fruit baskets, traffic cones and cosmetic containers. These seemingly insignificant items became the building blocks of a ground-breaking project, transforming aging pathways into safe pedestrian avenues.

Reducing the Use of Virgin Materials and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Through collaboration with different stakeholders, Link successfully converted plastic waste into an impressive 19,000 paving bricks, revitalising 430 square metres of the mall’s outdoor area. This achievement not only reduced the demand for virgin materials, but also curtailed the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of traditional construction materials. Moreover, the project fostered a behavioural shift among stakeholders and helped raise their awareness of sustainability. Effective communication bridged the knowledge gap, leading to significant transformations in waste sorting and recycling practices.

Link’s experience of repurposing waste materials to create secure pathways exemplifies the power of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability. By having a lasting impact on both the environment and the local community, Link is literally paving the way to a brighter and more sustainable future.





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