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Bonus Points

Bonus points will be granted if the contestants fulfil the following criteria. The bonus points will be capped at six points out of 100.

Bonus Criteria

Bonus Points

Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Member


For Malls
Building Premises of the Mall possess a valid BEAM Plus Certificate

For Shops

  • Located in BEAM Plus Certified Shopping Malls or 
  • Acquired BEAM Plus Interiors certification


Hong Kong Green Organisation Certificate

  • Wastewi$e
  • Energywi$e
  • IAQwi$e
  • Carbon Reduction Certificate
Bonus Point will only be granted if the Certificate is valid.


2022 & 2023 Awardees of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence

  • Gold Award
  • Silver Award
  • Bronze Award
  • Certificate of Merit




Relevant environmental awards received in 2022 or after

* Must be relevant environmental awards received in recent two years. Relevant information, including Award Organisers, Award Name, Year Awarded, etc., must be submitted for HKGBC Secretariat’s verification. Bonus points will be granted if all the submitted information is valid after checking.


Joint Submission of malls and tenants (For Category 3 only)

* Bonus point will be granted for the project case that demonstrated collaboration between mall and shop tenant. Representatives from the mall and tenant shall both be present at the final assessment.


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